FAQs: Troubleshooting
- Why can't I click on the link that was sent via sms?
If you have a newer IOS (iPhone) and have not received message previously:
* Settings App
* Safari
* Block Cookies
Do you have this setting set to the default of “Allow from Websites I Visit”? If not, and it is set to “Always Block” then the login will not work for ItsPayd or any other website. Basically a cookie is required to keep track of whether the user has successfully entered their access code (which we automatically pre-fill for them).
Please configure cookie settings to the default of “Allow from Websites I Visit” and see if that works. If already set there and still having same problems, then most likely it’s an iOS problem.
- I am having login troubles.
Be sure the information you have inputted is case appropriate, and has no mistakes. Be sure you are entering in the information set for the Merchant associated with ItsPayd, not your personal/profile information.
Still having troubles? Call us at (855) 999-PAYD (7293).
- My company logo is not loading.
The file for your logo must be a .jpeg or .png, and will be resized to fit our messaging dimensions.
Still having troubles? Call us at (855) 999-PAYD (7293).
- I have uploaded a batch of invoices and I keep receiving error messages.
When uploading the invoices via the Batch Upload, be sure to align our drop down options with the columns in your upload.
Example below will lead to an error:
Drop Down .................. Your Columns
Customer Name ........ Customer Number
Invoice Date ................ Invoice Number
Email ............................. Mobile Phone - How do I create a .csv file for uploading my accounts?
Most all invoicing software has the ability to export a .csv file. Simple upload your past due accounts into ItsPayd through import of .csv files.
Visit Quickbooks Support for information on exporting a .csv file from Quickbooks.
Feel free to contact our help desk with any questions (855) 999-PAYD (7293).
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